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Essential Wedding Day Preparation Tips for Photographers

Updated: Mar 22

Congratulations! You booked a wedding, have likely done an engagement session, or at least met your couple (via coffee date or on zoom), and now the big day is almost here! You're likely feeling nervous, I still get nervous until the day gets under way! It's all totally normal. But let's go through these essential tips to prevent any issues. Remember some things are out of our control, but these will help make sure you're 100% prepared for the things IN your control:

1. Double-check all your equipment to ensure everything is in working order and fully charged. This includes cameras, lenses, batteries, memory cards, and any additional lighting equipment.

2. Pack your camera bag with all necessary gear, including backups for essential items like batteries and memory cards.

3. Confirm the timeline and schedule of events with the couple and wedding planner to ensure you know when and where you need to be on the wedding day. Pro tip: ask about parking at all locations. Some venues require you to valet (even if it's covered financially, it could put you behind time-wise if you're waiting in line).

4. Familiarize yourself with the wedding venue by reviewing any layout or floor plans available and identifying potential photo locations. Pro tip: go to their instagram and browse their tagged photos. It will give you a good idea of the layout from many different points of view.

5. Coordinate with the couple and wedding planner to finalize any specific shots or moments they want captured on the wedding day.

6. Plan your travel route to the wedding venue, taking into account any potential traffic or road closures that could affect your arrival time. Pro tip: allow yourself 30 extra minutes to get there, decompress from the drive, and bring all of your equipment inside on time.

7. Prepare a list of key contacts for the wedding day, including the couple, wedding planner, and other vendors, in case you need to reach them quickly.

8. Rest and recharge to ensure you are well-rested and focused for the long day ahead.

9. Pack a small emergency kit with essentials like bandaids, pain relievers, and snacks to keep you comfortable and prepared throughout the day.

10. Set your alarm and plan your morning routine to ensure you have plenty of time to get ready and arrive at the wedding venue early.

11. Stay hydrated and eat a healthy meal the day before the wedding to keep your energy levels up for the busy day ahead.

12. Confirm any special requests or accommodations with the couple, such as specific family members or guests they want you to focus on during the day.

13. Prepare mentally and emotionally for the wedding day, reminding yourself of the importance of your role in capturing these special moments for the couple. Pro tip: listen to your favorite playlist on the way to pump yourself up! You got this!

I am rooting for you to have a successful wedding season!



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